April 23, 2019


Open Hearing on the University’s Tuition, Fees, and Housing and Dining Charges for 2019–2020—All Students
All students and members of the university community are invited to attend the Open Hearing on the University’s Tuition, Fees, and Housing and Dining Charges for 2019–2020 on Wednesday, April 24, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the multipurpose room of the College Avenue Student Center. Videoconferencing options are available. Comments made at the hearing help inform the university administration during the development of the university’s tuition and fees. All prospective speakers must sign up individually with the Office of the Secretary of the University by calling 848-932-7434, or by registering online.

Volunteers Needed for University Commencement—All Students
The Office of the Secretary is seeking students to volunteer as Commencement Ambassadors for Rutgers University's 253rd Anniversary Commencement on Sunday, May 19, 2019. Co-workers, friends, neighbors, and family members may also volunteer. All Ambassadors receive event training, a Commencement T-shirt, a branded Rutgers duffle bag as a thank-you gift, a breakfast buffet before Commencement, snacks, entry into a volunteer raffle, and the satisfaction of making the day even better for Rutgers' newest alumni. A few hours of volunteering helps make this event a special experience for the Rutgers Class of 2019. Learn more and register here.

University Commencement Parking Hangtag Registration Is Open—All Students
University Commencement will take place on Sunday, May 19, 2019, at HighPoint.com Stadium on the Busch Campus. With more than 50,000 people expected on campuses in Piscataway and New Brunswick, parking on campus will be limited. Therefore, graduating students must acquire parking hangtags for themselves and their families or guests. If parking hangtags are still available, attendees may purchase hang tags online in advance for $10 until April 30. Learn more here.

Important Graduation Information—Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate students who anticipate completing May 2019 degree requirements must apply for graduation by submitting a diploma application online. Please contact the Undergraduate Registrar’s Office at 848-445-2757 and ask for Monica Licourt or Michael Rusen, or email diplomas@registrar.rutgers.edu with any concerns about a diploma application. Please note that completion of a diploma application does not imply that graduation requirements have been met.

2019 Summer Session Registration and Late Fees—All Students
The last day to register for Summer Session I without a late fee is May 1. Registration for Sessions II and III without a late fee continues through May 29 and June 12, respectively. Students who register and pay after these dates will be assessed a $125 late fee. Learn more here.

On-Campus Meningitis B Vaccination Clinics—All Students
All undergraduate students are strongly recommended to be fully vaccinated against meningitis B. The university will host on-campus vaccination clinics during the month of May. Vaccination clinics will run from 12-8 p.m. at the following dates and locations:

Students can also visit their local healthcare provider or pharmacy, or make an appointment with Rutgers Student Health (by calling 848-732-7402 or visiting nbstudenthealthportal.rutgers.edu). If students are unsure of their MenB vaccination status, students should check with their primary health provider or the Rutgers Immunization Portal. Learn more here.

Participants Needed for Study on Dating Violence and Stalking—All Students
The Center on Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) at the School of Social Work is conducting a campus-wide study concerning dating violence and stalking. Students who are 18 or over and have experienced dating violence (controlling, abusive, or aggressive behavior) or stalking since coming to Rutgers and have not sought services from the Office of Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance or have not shared the experience with any services at Rutgers are encouraged to take part in this confidential and individual interview and study. Interested students should email campusclimatestudy@ssw.rutgers.edu. Participants receive $25 cash for time and participation.

Did You Know

Did you know that Ag Field Day is an annual celebration of the Rutgers School of Environmental and Biological Sciences? For decades, Ag Field Day has been an opportunity for members of the public to learn more about Rutgers University through tours, performances, hands-on activities, demonstrations, exhibits, and lectures across the Cook/Douglass campus. Ag Field Day is being held on the same day as Rutgers Day, Saturday, April 27. Learn more here.