November 13, 2018


Spring 2019 Pre-Registration Is Ongoing—Undergraduate Students
Pre-registration for the Spring 2019 term is ongoing for New Brunswick undergraduate students and continues through today, Tuesday, November 13. Registration is by degree credits already earned. Please email for additional information, or learn more here.

Registration for Winter Term Is Ongoing—All Students 
Registration for the Winter 2019 term is ongoing. Earn up to four credits during winter break. Choose from 150 courses in a wide range of subjects. Courses are offered in face-to-face, online or hybrid format. Plan schedules now. Learn more here.

Important Graduation Information—Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate students who anticipate completing January 2019 degree requirements must apply for graduation by submitting an Online Diploma Application. For questions regarding diploma applications, please contact the Undergraduate Registrar’s Office at 848-445-2757 and ask for Monica Licourt or Michael Rusen, or email Please note that the completion of a diploma application does not imply that graduation requirements have been met.

Changes in Designation of Class Days
The week of November 19 is shortened due to the Thanksgiving recess. Tuesday, November 20, follows a Thursday class schedule. Wednesday, November 21, follows a Friday class schedule. 

Thanksgiving Break Hall Closing
Certain residence halls on the Rutgers–New Brunswick campus close at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, November 21, for the beginning of Thanksgiving recess. Residence halls re-open on Sunday, November 25, at 9 a.m. Prior to moving out, please consult and complete the closing checklist in its entirety to help ensure that all students may return to a warm and welcoming community after break. Residence Life staff will conduct closing room checks. Students should contact their Residence Life staff with any questions. View a full list of buildings closing for break here.

Call for May 2020 Commencement Speaker and Honorary Degree Nominations—All Students 
Rutgers is now accepting commencement speaker and honorary degree nominations for the May 2020 ceremonies at Rutgers University–New Brunswick (including Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences). Because speakers will also be awarded an honorary degree, nominations for the university commencement speaker should also follow the guidelines for honorary degree candidates. Speaker nominees should be someone who is engaging and interesting with broad appeal to a diverse audience. Nominations for the commencement speaker and honorary degrees to be awarded in May 2020 will be accepted until November 30, 2018. More information on the nomination process is available here.

Doing Business in Israel: Winter Session Course and Trip—Undergraduate Students
Registration for the new Rutgers–New Brunswick Winter Session course, Doing Business in Israel, is now open. Students can complete credits while in Israel this winter from December 21–January 18. This course provides a comprehensive and hands-on understanding of the dynamics of all types of innovation and entrepreneurship. Students will develop a deep understanding of the social, economic, and cultural environment in Israel and how these dynamics affect local and foreign firms. The program is open to all undergraduate students. Rutgers Business School students should inquire about potential scholarships available through RBS; students in other programs may be able to access scholarships/subsidies through their own schools. Learn more about the course and fill out this survey to indicate interest here

Applications for the McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program—Undergraduate Students
Applications are being accepted through December 7, 2018, for cohort 2019 for the Rutgers University–New Brunswick Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program. The McNair Program provides a supportive environment and a multitude of resources to assist and prepare students interested in pursuing a doctoral education. The program benefits include, but not limited to, up to 6 credits toward graduation, research funding, and graduate school preparation. Low-income, first generation, and/or historically underrepresented students interested in pursuing a doctoral degree are encouraged to apply. Please contact Assistant Director Jhanna Jean Louis at with any questions. Learn more here.

Register for Bloustein School's New Big Data Master’s Program for Fall 2019—Undergraduate Students
The Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy is now accepting applications for Fall 2019 to its new Master of Public Informatics (MPI) program. This program is suited for students with interests in big data, data science and data management as it relates to public policy, urban planning, and health administration. Admission requirements and the online application can be found here. The deadline for applications to be considered for merit-based funding awards is February 1, 2019. For more information, please contact

Apply to Study Primates and Other Wildlife in Kenya this Summer—Undergraduate Students
The outgoing program Primatology, Wildlife Ecology, and Conservation will be offered this summer in Kenya from June 27-July 23, 2019. This 6-credit program is run by Professor Ryne Palombit in the Department of Anthropology and focuses on learning about wildlife–including primates–in Kenya, how to study them, and conservation initiatives in Africa. The deadline for applications is March 1, 2019. Students who are interested may contact Professor Palombit at, or learn more here.

Study Abroad Applications—All Students 
Applications for Summer 2019 study abroad are open and due on March 1, 2019. Walk-in hours are Monday–Friday, noon to 3 p.m., at Rutgers Global–Study Abroad on the College Avenue Campus. Learn more, search programs, and apply here.

Did You Know

Did you know that you can go on a self-guided tour of public sculptures at Rutgers University—New Brunswick? As you walk throughout our campuses, you can pull up tour pages on your mobile device to find out more about each sculpture or print out a pdf with insightful descriptions on each work and a campus map indicating the sculptures' locations. Learn more here.